Healing Together: The Role of Family Therapy in Chronic Illness

Family therapy works to target change within the system that is often the closest to us. While it is helpful across a multitude of presenting concerns, one in particular is families navigating chronic or significant illness. Oftentimes following a life changing diagnosis…

Navigating the Path of Healing: Forgiveness versus Reconciliation

In the journey of healing and personal growth, forgiveness and reconciliation emerge as two intersecting yet distinct paths. Both involve navigating through hurt, betrayal, and conflict, but understanding the nuances between them is crucial.  Forgiveness entails releasing oneself from resentment and anger,…

What is Internal Family Systems therapy?

The idea that we all have many parts, or aspects, of ourselves may seem familiar to you. In fact, many of us naturally use the language of parts when we say something like “a part of me wants to…” or “one part…

Why is talk therapy not “fixing” my trauma?

You’ve talked about it. No matter how hard it was, you talked about it. You may have shared your story, for better or worse. You have described the incident, put words to the pain. Talking about it is hard and you’ve done…

Deck The Halls with Unhelpful Comments, Fa la la la la, la la la la

Navigating Food Comments During the Holiday Season for those with Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating, or in the Process of Recovery The holiday season is often a time for joy, celebration, and togetherness, but for those who struggle with disordered eating or an…

Spooky Season Unmasked: How Romantic Comedies Haunt Couples Therapy

The leaves begin to change colors, the air gets chillier, and pumpkins take over doorsteps all over – we now know that we have officially entered spooky season. Spooky season brings Halloween movies, haunted houses, and tales of the supernatural dominating storytelling….

Navigating Grief After Pregnancy or Infant Loss: Healing Together

Losing a pregnancy or a baby is a heartbreaking experience that can shatter the lives of new or expecting parents. The ensuing grief is deep and intricate, touching every facet of an individual’s life. This loss can especially impact partners who may…

Not just “management”: treating chronic pain with psychotherapy

If you have experienced chronic pain, or any kind of medically unexplained symptoms, the phrase, “it’s all in your head” might sound infuriatingly familiar. YOU know your pain is real, and we know it too! Chronic pain can take a significant physical…

Effects of Emotionally Abusive Relationships

When you think of abuse in relationships, what comes to mind? For many of us, the first thoughts that show up depict loud, violent, and aggressive words or actions.  Emotional abuse is often a quieter form of abuse that involves tactics such…

Beating Procrastination at its Own Game

I’m willing to bet that everyone has a “procrastination story.” That one time where they put off an important task until the last minute, only for it to come back and bite them in the butt. Maybe your procrastination story involves school…

Today's the day to make a change.